
Career Coaching for Students: NAPLAN Tests

Parents of students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9, wonder what the benefit is, to their child, of the NAPLAN Tests. It can cause stress and be an anxious time for students. The NAPLAN tests have just been conducted in schools a few weeks ago, so it seems like a good time to be […]

How can I help my year 12 child during Covid-19 school closures?

Parents are concerned about long school closures during the Coronavirus, or COVID-19 pandemic. So how can you help your year 12 child during Covid-19 school closures? The global pandemic is a challenging situation for all of us, but especially so for year 12s and their parents. Australian schools are now closed for what might be […]

Online Career Coaching during coronavirus

I am offering online career coaching during the coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic. In light of recent World Health Organisation, Department of Home Affairs and Victorian State Department of Health advice, the incidence of coronavirus is rapidly increasing. “Non-essential meetings” are to be reconsidered. In light of this I am offering online services only. This is […]

Career Coaching in Year 12 – When to start and what needs to be done.

It is important for year 12s to obtain professional career coaching, and ideally they need to begin this process early in the academic year. This is particularly the case if they have not received any career coaching in years 9, 10 or 11. So when should your year 12 child start their career coaching and […]

What career activities should a year 9 student be involved in?

What career activities should a year 9 student be involved in? Great question and one that many parents have been asking me. A student can commence career coaching at any year level and during any term of the school year. However, this blog serves to outline the activities that I recommend for 14 to 15 […]

Career Coaching, Is it different to other coaching services?

As I hit my 6 year anniversary of private and professional career coaching practice, I am keen to reflect, and also to communicate the distinctions between career coaching and other coaching services, such as life coaching, that you might find on the internet. In reflection I have experienced wonderful success with my clients and I’m […]

How careers aptitudes and interests tests can help school students

I am using a few careers aptitudes and interests tests with school age students, as well as with young adults post-secondary education. Career coaching is not the same as it was in the early 20th century. Vocational advisory services used to suppose that the advisor was all-knowing and could, therefore “test and tell” the client. […]

Why a youth career advisor can help your child

As a youth career advisor, I am asked what benefits professional career counselling can bring to a student. According to the systems approach to career development, career decision making can be complex and confusing, especially for youth, which is when some of the first career decisions are made. There are so many career influences: Family […]

Online Career Coaching

Online career coaching can work very well with most people in the technological age, as we do so much of our communication, learning and training online. Young students at school and in higher education settings can listen to lectures online, and in my own personal development there are an increasing number of sessions carried out […]