
Career Coaching – Empathy

When providing career coaching support, empathy is essential. But how can a career coach use the right amount of empathy? In this blog I look at the three faces of empathy – accuracy, range and depth? Hope Action Theory and Empathy In my ongoing studies for professional development, I am currently studying Hope Action Theory. […]

Career Coaching in Year 11.

When I ask a student what career coaching they receive(d) in year 11, at school, I’m often met with a blank stare. Year 11 is very often a ‘forgotten’ year level from the point of view of school-based career coaching and so they have nothing to tell me. Even if they completed some sort of […]

The qualifications that students need.

  The qualifications that students need for long-term career success are not necessarily the same qualifications that their parents obtained and the Australian Government recognises the need for radical change. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) exists to set the standards of knowledge, skills and understanding required at each level of tertiary education. This framework has […]

Online Career Coaching

Online career coaching can work very well with most people in the technological age, as we do so much of our communication, learning and training online. Young students at school and in higher education settings can listen to lectures online, and in my own personal development there are an increasing number of sessions carried out […]