
Karen is dedicated to helping young people build fulfilling and rewarding careers, empowering them to become self-reliant, resilient, creative and brave. She is a mother of two young adult daughters and thus understands what it takes for parents to navigate the complex lifespan changes and challenges of children and adolescents.


Karen’s career spans management, recruitment, training and human resources development, counselling and career coaching. Karen has an undergraduate Arts degree from Monash University, where her study focus was on behavioural studies, post-modern studies, psychology and sociology.

Education and Qualifications

At the postgraduate level, Karen gained a Professional Certificate of Adolescent Counselling through the faculty of Education at Monash University, and a Graduate Certificate of Career Development from Swinburne University. Her qualifications and work combined have earned Karen credit for entrance directly into the second year of the Master of Counselling at Monash University, which she hopes to complete in 2021.

As a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA), Karen regularly participates in training and development in order to maintain her professional accreditation through the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA). The service that Karen offers is unique, providing a progressive coaching and mentoring relationship from early career exploration for school age students, through to the often overwhelming transition to tertiary education, job seeking and professional profile development.

How Karen Can Help

Karen’s coaching services cover a wide range of areas including subject selection, identifying potential pathways, interview preparation, personal branding and career changes. Karen also specialises in guiding young people who are exploring careers in the performing arts.

This includes application and audition support for local, interstate and overseas courses and colleges, including specifics such as applying to universities in the UK, through UCAS and submitting USA Student Visa applications.

Karen is highly experienced in using the Morrisby Online Career Assessments, having been part of the trial and launch of the Victorian Department of Education’s project for all year 9 students in Victorian State Schools. Karen then spent 2 years as a consultant on this program.

During the Covid-19 pandemic Karen continued to consult, pivoting to online consultations.

Karen is now based in the UK and is working with EC Careers as a freelance consultant.

Learn more about Karen’s process here.