Student Coaching

The process for student coaching commences with an online consultation using the secure Zoom platform. This initial session will typically run 90 minutes and will involve open, ice-breaking questions and build a sense of trust. Throughout the session, Karen actively listens to what the student is saying. Karen’s ‘narrative approach’ helps her to learn more about their story. While exploring the student’s narrative, family relationships and past experiences may be discussed.

Karen and the student will put together an action plan and develop a realistic timeline of the next steps the student should take. For students in Year 9 and 10, this could involve subject selection coaching and work experience options. An action plan for students in Year 11 and 12 involves career mapping – whether they are interested in a gap year, further study or entering directly into employment.

It is important that students feel safe and comfortable, which is why consultations with students are private and confidential, with parent communications often kept quite general. Parents will however receive reminders necessary to their child’s career action plan and will have access to specific support resources.

Career Counselling


Career changers and job seekers seek support in the job search and acquisition process. A narrative, or ‘storied’ approach helps you identify any barriers that may be getting in the way of your progress, skills that you currently have or can develop, and your interests.
Depending on your age and work history, the review and interpretation of an existing MBTI or Strong Interest Inventory tool, will identify potential career areas and jobs that might be suitable for you.
All of Karen’s resources and coaching are based on up-to-date data about employment trends and the overall job market, allowing her to help identify the best employment opportunities for you.



When you have seen an advertisement for a perfect position for you, or have gained an important interview, it can be easy to feel nervous and feel pressured to perform at your best. Karen will work with you to build and refine your resume and cover letter, tailoring it to the specific vacancy and its key performance indicators.

Preparation for interviews includes mock-interview sessions to help you to find your confidence in responding to questions coherently and accurately. Career coaching sessions can be an ongoing process if there is time, or you can work on a brief basis if the application deadline or interview is imminent.

For specialist interviews for design roles, or surgical registration and surgical fellowships, focus is placed upon whatever you need most, which often involves working on your response times for questions.