
What is Meaningful Employment?

  Listen to our podcast episode with guest speaker Jennifer Luke on finding meaningful employment and increasing your employability here: KYCC Podcast EP 4 – Finding meaning in employment w/ Jennifer Luke   There’s a lot being written and spoken about, in the media, about meaningful employment. Indeed, I’ve noticed this in conversation with my […]

Should you accept an internship?

I have been asked by parents and students, “should you accept an internship?” many times over the past few years. Internships are being used as training grounds by many organisations, and many young adults and their parents are concerned about the fairness of these schemes. The reality is that internships are a fact of working […]

Does ATAR predict Employability?

Does ATAR predict Employability? I’m about to argue that it does not. But In Australia over the past 2 days, there has been a big noise in ‘mainstream media’ and on social media platforms about ATAR results and this noise, as at this time every year, always bothers me slightly. See for example, The Age, […]