
Looking for work during Covid-19

If you are looking for work during Covid-19, I’m sure you know you are not alone in this. There are a lot of people seeking income support and employment alternatives. I have been approached by a few who are now unemployed, or have been laid-off for the time being. It is confronting, I know. It […]

When is the best time to start Post-Graduate Study?

When is the best time to start post-graduate study? So many graduates who have or are about to complete their bachelor degree, honour’s degree or double degree want to know when to start post-graduate study. The question is around whether or not to study for a post-graduate qualification immediately after completing a degree, or working […]

What are STEM subjects and Soft Skills?

What are STEM subjects and Soft skills? These are the buzz words being used in careers. Everyone is talking about STEM subjects and soft skills, etc – the trouble is, do we know what these are and why they are related? Also, do we know how to communicate them to a prospective employer, or recruiter? […]