
Applying for university or TAFE courses for 2021

Applying for university or TAFE courses for 2021 is going to be different to previous years. It’s July 2020 and for many of us the past 5 months have felt like being in a giant washing machine, being thrown about. Everything is stop-start; topsy-turvy like never before. There are so many uncertainties. With respect to […]

Online Career Coaching during coronavirus

I am offering online career coaching during the coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic. In light of recent World Health Organisation, Department of Home Affairs and Victorian State Department of Health advice, the incidence of coronavirus is rapidly increasing. “Non-essential meetings” are to be reconsidered. In light of this I am offering online services only. This is […]

Career Coaching from Year 9

Career coaching from year 9 at secondary school, is highly beneficial. This is according to Dr Jordan Bell, Psychologist and Dean of Lincoln College, Adelaide. On the other hand, if the career coaching is of poor quality, particularly regarding subject choices in year 10, this has been found to have a very negative effect upon […]

Parents worry their kids will be worse off than they are.

Are you one of the 7 in 10 parents who worries that their kids will be worse off than they are? That’s 70% of you! According to journalist Eryk Bagshaw, “we’re a miserable lot” in Australia. More pessimistic than many other nationalities, with “negative sentiment (surging) by 16% in the past 4 years”.(Bagshaw, 2017, The […]

Worried about your child dropping out of university?

There seems to be reason to worry about your child dropping out of university. The research is there to prove that it’s happening a lot. According to Education Minister, Simon Birmingham, “We’ve heard too many stories about students who have changed courses, dropped out because they made the wrong choices about what to study, students […]

Choosing courses through VTAC

How can you help your year 12 student with choosing courses through VTAC? For some this is pretty straightforward. If your son or daughter has been loving science subjects, for example, is getting great grades and knows that they truly do want to be a doctor, then it’s as simple as making sure they get […]

VCE VET Subject Selection.

  At this time of the year, year 10s come home from their respective schools with the VCE VET Subject Selection Guide. A nicely bound A4 booklet brimming with details of all of the things they can learn in years 11 and 12. Some schools offer the International Baccalaureate (IB), and so there’ll be another […]

Career Uncertainty

Natal’ya Galliot, PhD Candidate in Education at Macquarie University, argues for early career conversations with students in order to reduce career uncertainty. The education system should move towards ensuring that students are provided with career education sessions before they make their elective subject choices, enabling them to make informed decisions. At the moment, this rarely […]