
A decade of educational and career decision-making

Today as I reflect upon the past decade from 2010 to 2020, I realise that so many educational and career decisions have been made in my family alone, not to mention all of the various career and education decision-making that I have supported in my professional practice. I have two now adult daughters, both of […]

How careers aptitudes and interests tests can help school students

I am using a few careers aptitudes and interests tests with school age students, as well as with young adults post-secondary education. Career coaching is not the same as it was in the early 20th century. Vocational advisory services used to suppose that the advisor was all-knowing and could, therefore “test and tell” the client. […]

The qualifications that students need.

  The qualifications that students need for long-term career success are not necessarily the same qualifications that their parents obtained and the Australian Government recognises the need for radical change. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) exists to set the standards of knowledge, skills and understanding required at each level of tertiary education. This framework has […]

A Grasshopper in a Jar

My 19 year old daughter gets to vote for the first time in the Australian Federal election. Confusion abounds, unsurprisingly so. The TV news is congested with images of 2 middle-aged men cuddling terrified babies, and it’s only going to get worse. The political platforms are somewhat baffling, in that when claims of equity and […]