
How careers aptitudes and interests tests can help school students

I am using a few careers aptitudes and interests tests with school age students, as well as with young adults post-secondary education. Career coaching is not the same as it was in the early 20th century. Vocational advisory services used to suppose that the advisor was all-knowing and could, therefore “test and tell” the client. […]

What if my child says he wants to drop out in year 12?

It’s worrying if your child says that he or she wants to drop out of school. Even more concerning is if your child said this to you during year 12. Many parents hope that their child will continue in compulsory education until the end of year 12, indeed this is strongly encouraged in Australia. Retention […]

Courses, Open Days, and How to enrol

In year 12 our children are expected to make decisions about courses, to attend Open Days and know how to enrol, usually through VTAC, in higher education courses. That’s a lot to do when they’re busy studying for SACs, doing their VCEs, IB, VET or VCAL subjects. Parents, did you know how to do all […]