
Applying for university or TAFE courses for 2021

Applying for university or TAFE courses for 2021 is going to be different to previous years. It’s July 2020 and for many of us the past 5 months have felt like being in a giant washing machine, being thrown about. Everything is stop-start; topsy-turvy like never before. There are so many uncertainties. With respect to […]

Reforming the Australian Tertiary System

I am posting a quick blog on the suggested reforms to the Australian tertiary system, as discussed this morning on the Breakfast show on ABC Radio National. I am aware of changes to the tertiary sector in Australia, in particular with respect to the new model of study, called the Block Model, at Victoria University […]

If your child drops out of university

If your child drops out of university, you might be feeling very concerned about what they are going to do next. Dropping out of university in the first year of study is not uncommon. On average, in Australia, around 25% of students will drop out of university, and not return to study. Andrew Norton, refers […]

Life Coach or Career Coach

Can a life coach help you if they are not a qualified career coach? According to Michael Cavanagh, clinical psychologist, executive coach and deputy director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney, life is highly individualised. Social networks aren’t so strong as they used to be. Plus, your career is your responsibility […]

Millennials and job security

For Millennials job security is one of the top two priorities in life. Job security is proving to be a major preoccupation for Millennials, because young adults are aware of uncertainty in all professions. In a longitudinal study carried out for the Youth Research Centre, 500 Millennials responded to questions about job security. Co-author Hernan […]

Sound Engineering

Have a listen to yet another great ABC Radio National program. If you or your young person are interested in sound engineering, this is a must listen. Part Two to follow, and this one is great fun; a competition to see who can make the biggest audio from mobile audio gadgets without using electricity. This […]