
What do I look for in a career coach for my child?

The question that I’m addressing in this blog is around what information parents need when looking for career coaching for their child? There are so many businesses now calling themselves career consultants, career coaches, career counsellors, how can a parent make the right decision? As a parent of young adult daughters myself, whom I’ve supported […]

Why is year 9 such a difficult school year?

I read in The Age, on 29th august, that “Year 9 is (the) toughest time for students.” It’s being reported elsewhere too and is a discussion topic among teaching staff. So why is year 9 such as difficult school year and is there a light on the horizon? Many parents wonder why their child is […]

Successful Career Coaching: Survey

My customer survey shows how successful my career coaching service is proving for my clients. I love my career coaching work and I’m excited that my clients, both school students and adult career clients, are appreciating my coaching services. In a recent Survey Monkey customer satisfaction survey I have received some great feedback. This is […]

Career Coaching for Career Resilience

Career Coaching is really beneficial for your child’s career resilience. This is the finding of Sareena Hopkins, Executive Director of the Canadian Career Development Foundation. Sareena, International Gold Medal Winner for career development practice, has been speaking this week at the Career Education Association of Victoria (CEAV) Annual Conference. She highlighted the similarities between the […]

Life Coach or Career Coach

Can a life coach help you if they are not a qualified career coach? According to Michael Cavanagh, clinical psychologist, executive coach and deputy director of the Coaching Psychology Unit at the University of Sydney, life is highly individualised. Social networks aren’t so strong as they used to be. Plus, your career is your responsibility […]

Courses, Open Days, and How to enrol

In year 12 our children are expected to make decisions about courses, to attend Open Days and know how to enrol, usually through VTAC, in higher education courses. That’s a lot to do when they’re busy studying for SACs, doing their VCEs, IB, VET or VCAL subjects. Parents, did you know how to do all […]