
When is the best time to start Post-Graduate Study?

When is the best time to start post-graduate study? So many graduates who have or are about to complete their bachelor degree, honour’s degree or double degree want to know when to start post-graduate study. The question is around whether or not to study for a post-graduate qualification immediately after completing a degree, or working […]

What career activities should a year 9 student be involved in?

What career activities should a year 9 student be involved in? Great question and one that many parents have been asking me. A student can commence career coaching at any year level and during any term of the school year. However, this blog serves to outline the activities that I recommend for 14 to 15 […]

Do you have to go to university?

I’m going to address another hot topic; the question of whether you have to go to university. A lot of year 12s ask me this question. Short story – I didn’t go to university straight from school, but pretty much most of my year group did so. I can also tell you that one of […]

Careers Counsellor Services

Parents of year 12 students seeking careers counsellor services can obtain the following careers services from me at Karen Your Career Coach. My professional careers counselling services are affordable, progressive and confidential. Careers counselling is highly skilled work carried out by professional counsellors, qualified to post-graduate level in Career Development. Counselling incorporates psychological assessment and […]

Students doing Unpaid Work

Many students are doing unpaid work. This can be an advantageous arrangement with an employer, as it is well accepted that many unpiad jobs, or internships, turn into paid employment. However, unpaid work is not accessible to everyone, according to key findings of a Department of Employment report. Who is doing unpaid work, and why? […]

Looking for a job?

Is your child or young adult looking for a job? Gaining employment is increasingly difficult in light of current trends. For example, automation is taking jobs from youth groups: We pay at an automated teller at the supermarket more frequently that queue and pay a young employee. More of the “human” roles are being taken over […]

Youth Misunderstood

Youth misunderstood? Well, it’s nothing new, but I’m feeling a bit defensive on behalf of the ‘youth of today’ because I know how hard they’re trying to get a job; a foot on the career ladder. So excuse me, Treasurer Scott Morrison, for speaking up against your words of criticism. I’m sure that it is […]

The PaTH Plan

  The government PaTH Plan (Prepare, Trial, Hire) scheme, has been receiving a lot of press. In areas of high unemployment, hopes are high. After all, there are 120,00 people between the ages of 17 an 24 currently claiming income support, so something needs doing! But then we have commentators such as Anna Patty, of […]

Hiring Staff

  I’ve been doing a lot of work with young job seekers recently and so when the topic of hiring staff came up at  lunch this week, I was all ears. The yummy lunch was with fellow members of the Bayside Business Network, at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club. The guest speaker was the well […]