
Luck happens.

Luck happens when you least expect it. Sometimes in 3s; both good and bad. So, while pottering around the kitchen, on Friday morning, as I do, I heard Fran Kelly on breakfast radio talking to her guest about a book called, The Luck of Politics: True Tales of Disaster and Outrageous Fortune. The guest was […]

The Resume is an Essential Tool for any Application

Professor of Career Education at ACU, Jim Bright, suggests that we under-rate the worth of a well drafted resume (or CV – Curriculum Vitae). Despite the increasing practice of having applicants complete an online personality test as a technique to reduce cumbersome piles of applications, the resume is a key resource for choosing the candidates […]

“Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way”

I heard myself saying this to a despondent young man the other day, and wondered how helpful I was being. Oh dear, questioning my own tips might be a troublesome habit, however it does serve to galvanise me into action to check on my sources and ponder the idiom.