
Flexible Work Arrangements

This ABC Radio National Life Matters discussion is interesting to anyone who is an employer, an employee looking for flexibility in their working hours, and couples/working mothers in particular, who would love there to be arrangements that facilitate the continuation of employment and reduce the stress and juggle of multi-tasking.

Career Aspirations Frustrated?

Here is a really interesting article from the UK arguing that the provision of career support can be pivotal in helping young people to realise  their aspirations. I wonder whether this is deemed to  be an issue in other regions of the world.

Another Moral Panic, or should we pay attention?

Gen Ys will say in defense of this diatribe that their mums send instagrams and follow minor celebrities on Twitter. No, I do not take selfies; well, maybe once, with my cat.

Blow away the cobwebs

I can’t decide which is easier; to be in the Northern hemisphere and it be winter, with a short break from school/work, or Down Under where the summer stretches long and warm(ish). Either way, it’s a New Year and with that comes the expectation that we’ll all be making resolutions. Groan! In a previous lifetime […]

Are you ready for your ATAR?

On Monday 16th December secondary school students around Victoria, Australia will receive their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) results and ATAR Score. If you happen to be reading this blog in other part of the world, you will be wondering what this is all about. Clearly it is something to do with an important qualification, but when […]

“Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way”

I heard myself saying this to a despondent young man the other day, and wondered how helpful I was being. Oh dear, questioning my own tips might be a troublesome habit, however it does serve to galvanise me into action to check on my sources and ponder the idiom.

Brass bands, Bowler Hats, Guvnor’s wife in her Sunday Best

I have a silver fob watch in my jewelery box that belonged to my Grandpa. Proper silver, with a Hallmark. Engraved behind the outer casing, that opens and closes with a pleasing little ‘pop’ and ‘snap’, are the words;

Keep Calm…

Been away. Back now, and just want to send a message to everyone up to their necks in study notes…

Tall grass and Unicorns.

Sorry I’ve been a little awol, however in my travelling there have been times when I’ve been without that precious commodity, WiFi access. It’s ok, I’m recovering from the pain and anguish, in fact it’s actually quite refreshing to be looking at the scenery and engaging with my mates without distraction.